Handbook Highlights: Common Points of Concern

 A Link to the Current Student Handbook is Located at the Bottom of this Article.


The District is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment free of any form of bullying or intimidation.  Bullying is strictly prohibited on school grounds, or school time, at a school sponsored activity or in a school related context.  Bullying is the intentional action by an individual or group of individuals to inflict intimidation, unwanted aggressive behavior, or harassment that is repetitive or is substantially likely to be repeated and causes a reasonable student to fear for his or her physical safety or property; substantially interferes with the educational performance, opportunities, or benefits of any student without exception; or substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school.  Bullying may consist of physical actions, including gestures, or oral, cyberbullying, electronic, or written communication, and any threat of retaliation for reported acts of bullying.   

Click Here For A Complete PDF Version Bullying


        Students will NOT be allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities (this includes attendance at or participation in athletics, music,science Olympiad, drama, academic team, etc.) on the date that the student is absent from school except through pre-approval of the building principal.  Students must be in attendance all day on the day of the activity.  Students absent any portion of the day on FRIDAY OR THE LAST SCHOOL DAY BEFORE A SCHEDULED EVENT will not be allowed to participate in WEEKEND ACTIVITIES OR ACTIVITIES HELD ON A DAY SCHOOL IS NOT IN SESSION without pre-approval from the building principal.  Pre-approval means getting approval before school starts on the day in question.*Calling in sick or “running late” in the morning does not constitute pre-approval.   Doctor/dentist visits,driving examinations, and college visits are examples of absences eligible for pre-approval. Documentation must be provided upon return to school if pre-approval for activities has been arranged.


        When a student fails to report to his assigned class, study hall or other activity at the proper time, he or she shall be considered tardy.  When a student has been tardy on three occasions, the student shall be required to attend ISS one day.  After three days in ISS for tardies (9 tardies), each subsequent three tardies will result in one day OSS. (Example: 12 tardies result in one day OSS, 15 tardies result in another day of OSS and so on.)

           Students get a new count on tardies at the beginning of each quarter. Failure to attend ISS shall result in the ISS being made up and possible OSS.  The three tardies do not have to be recorded in any one particular class. Tardies accumulate and when three have been reached, ISS or OSS will be assessed.  No notes are accepted for tardies.  All tardies are unexcused.  It is imperative that you remember the three suspension rule.  Any student receiving three suspensions during a semester shall be suspended for the remainder of that semester.


The Lawson R-XIV School District is pleased to bring Internet access to our schools.  We believe the Internet offers vast, diverse and unique resources to the students and teachers.  Our goal in providing this service to teachers and students is to promote educational excellence in schools by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication.  Acceptable use of the Lawson R-XIV School District network and Internet connection is use that is consistent with the educational objectives of the district. Student use of the network must support the educational and operational policies and procedures of the School District. Use of this network is a privilege. Any improper use, which is defined as but not limited to use that is unlawful, copyright violations, plagiarism, libel, hacking, stalking, or accessing a service for which a fee is charged will result in one or more of the following consequences:  loss of privileges; disciplinary action by teacher or administrator including warnings,8th hours, in-school suspension, out of school suspension,expulsion, restitution for damages, and legal action in a court of law.  Students must have a signed acceptable use policy on file prior to using the Internet.  A complete Acceptable Use Policy is available at any district administrative office or the Lawson 5-12 and Community Library.


Dishonesty--Any act of lying, whether verbal or written, including forgery.  First Offense: Nullification of forged document.  Principal/Student conference, in-school suspension, or 1-10 days out-of-school suspension.  Subsequent Offense: Nullification of forged document and an “F” for the Quarter in the class dishonesty occurred. In-school suspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion. (3rd offense would warrant an “F” for the semester in the class the dishonesty occurred.)  Student work is frequently checked for authenticity using “Turn-it-in.com”, an online service which scans student work checking for plagiarism.  


Students are not allowed to use portable/cell phones, beepers, iPods, CD players, etc. during normal school day.  Non-compliance will result in confiscation of devise and parent/guardian will need to pick up in office.  Second and subsequent non-compliance shall result in confiscation and/or In School Suspension 1-180 days or Out of School Suspension 1-180 days.

Complete PDF version:  Student Handbook HS